Rainmaker Rodeo

Rainmaker Rodeo

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Turkey Day

American Thanksgiving

Great excuse for turkey and a party.

We had 12 Canadians,1 Mexican and a token American over for Thanksgiving dinner.

We started at the pool cause it was just another beautiful day in paradise.

Inside dinner was being prepared

Time to chow down

We supplied the turkey and the ham and everyone else brought stuff

Great meal

Sunny sat with all her friends

Buy buy birdie!

Good times,good food and good friends
What a country

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Hump Day

We met Jodie for breakfast where she was picking up her two rescue dogs which she will be fostering.

One made it to her house and seems to be settling in and the other escaped through the bars in her fence.

It's out there wandering the streets somewhere as it still hasn't been found

I got some wire from my neighbour Flavio and fixed the fence in case it does appear.

Other than that,it was a quiet day.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013



Sunday is a day of rest.

And rest we did

It was hard to rest as you can see because of all the people and noise around the pool.


Monday we went to check out Sam's Club and then it was back to relaxing until Jorge convinced us to go to The Britania for Texas Holdem
So it was drinks again and no resting.I didn't do too well but Peggy managed to bring home 4th out of about 30,which got her money back


Tuesday we hit the pool again before heading back to The Britania for open mike night.Also the Britania is 2 blocks down the street from the house Jodie rented and she was on her way.

We had picked up the keys to her house and arranged to meet her there at 9:30.

But it seems that she flew through the airport(not literally) and arrived at the bar at 8:50
All smiles and bubbles

JC also arrived to greet her back

A few more and off she went to check out the house

We stopped by on our way home and she does appear to like her new cribb

Monday, November 25, 2013

JC's Birthday

To start the day at the crack of 11am we headed out for breakfast and to pick up our meat.We succeeded on both ventures

Then it was home to make salad for the party.

JC's Birthday Party

The party was at Lea and Stuart's house.We have never met Lea and Stuart but that don't matter.

It was one of those it's a surprise but it's not a surprise things.

It twas just another gorgeous day in Paradise

Lea has a small puppy too

Perfect day for a pool party.

Beer Pong was the attraction of the day

Once again a great time was had by all.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


New battery and all and still the garage door opener doesn't work. We will have to figure this one out.

Firstly I have something to point out to you.

This is my neighbour Flavio's shoe garden.and what a fine crop he is having this season.

Today it was a day to go get new license plates for the Jeep.


4 3/4 hours of mostly waiting.Seven of us went together along with Gecko's accountant in order to help us out.Such efficiency I have never seen before and 45 pieces of paper.Yes 45.I counted them. 6 times I was in a line.But what the hell else do I have to do.At least it's done and....................

                                                     It's a beautiful day todaaaaaaaaaaaay

Later we hit Ososo's where the Amigos de La Cruz were having a dinner and silent auction.
We didn't stay for dinner and the auction but we did meet a few folks.
Next it was Ana Banana's for a few and finally a bunch of us dove into Falconi's for Calzone.Another Yum Yum

Saturday, November 23, 2013


First I took the mutts in for hair cuts

Next we were going to PV to have lunch with Cliff and Lyn so we stopped by the electronics store to buy another HDMI cable(I only have about 20 in the Quonset Hut) and a battery for the garage door opener.

The Cheeky Monkey of course is where we met

We had a great time of course and maybe even a beer or two.

This is looking up and down the Malecon at 4 in the afternoon

Deader than shit!

Everybody says it's better than last year but I have never seen the Malecon so quiet.
Once again it was a great time and it was time to say good-bye
We might see them in Arizona in the spring but maybe not till the summer in Alberta

The next is what you might call payback

While he was in PV Cliff joined the PV Basketball Team

He is playing-------The Ball

Carrying on.............................

We headed back to La Cruz where we hit the Gecko for a couple. 

 Then we finally made it to Frascatti's for fettucini alfredo 
Yum Yum

Thursday, November 21, 2013


A nice quiet day,lay around and no drinking


It was off to Walmart at the crack of noon to do a little shopping etc.

Filled the jeep again.

We had picked up a few things which we had to deliver so while delivering them we get pulled over by the cops


This is BS cause no one wears a seat belt in Mexico even though it is the law.It's a $800 peso fine and they take your license till you pay it or you can just pay the cops cash with no receipt and they let you go
I pay the $800

Then I find out you carry $200 pesos separately like that is all you have and you just pay them the $200  What the Hell

Well that called for a beer which turned into 10 and Bob's you uncle.

Oh ya I got a chip for the I phone so we now have a Mexican Cell #

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Meet the new Squeeze

Our friend Cliff and his new squeeze Lyn are staying in PV,so they took a bus out to Bucerias where we picked them up and went to Karens Restaurant for lunch.

Lunch did involve a few wobbly pops so we headed home with a quick stop at The Gecko.

It was a beautiful day so we grabbed a couple and headed to the pool

We had a great visit but like all good things,they must come to an end.
Lyn is a great gal and they appear quite happy.

We dumped them off at the bus but of course we are not done yet.

It's back to The Gecko

                                                                  More great friends

                                              Then it's over to The Britania for open mike night

Once again a great time was had by all and to all a good night.(reminds me that Christmas is coming)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


We finally made our trip to Costco and kind of filled up the jeep

We would have spent a lot more $ there but you know Costco,they don't always have the stuff you want
No american beer,no Glenfiddich,no Tillamook cheese,no Grande Marnier and we ordered our beef from a restaurant supply joint.
We did find a turkey for christmas.

That was pretty much it for the day except for the hours spent on hold trying to get tv
The good news is that we now have tv

Peggy= Happy Camper

Monday, November 18, 2013


Sunday we woke up to the sunshine we love

We have an awesome view from our place.
We call it our place,for 5 months anyway.

Then it was back to Gecko Rojo

This time it was for breakfast.

No alcohol involved.

However later in the day we were back to watch the race cause we still have no tv
None of the right guys won anything so now I owe Mel $$

Then it was home to get ready to go to Frascatti's

The new beast

We got home and Jorge and Brenda were there.They just arrived from Ontario.
We had a few and no one was ready for a big meal so it was back to Gecko Rojo for a burger and fries and maybe even a couple more beers etc.
Next thing they were tired from the trip so they went home and we went to Ana Banana's where they had a good rock band,cold beers and more good friends

What a country!