Rainmaker Rodeo

Rainmaker Rodeo

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Jodie finally got her mom a coffin

If you have followed my blog in the past you will remember seeing that Ana Banana's has crown royal bags hanging from the ceiling that contain the ashes of former clients.Jodie thinks this would be a great place to hang her mom in the afterlife!

So up to Roberto's Xocolat we go for dinner

PS - George got a new muffler installed on his Focus for about $35.00 Labour included
What a Country!

The only picture I got of Jo is the back of her head,My bad.

It's a great view of La Cruz

With Bucerias across the bay

It was also Daytona 500 weekend and Peg's nails were dressed accordingly.

Kyle won the truck race,came 4th in the Nationwide race and got wrecked by Harvick in the Sprint cup race.
This means I'm down $$ to Mel already.

And Bob's your uncle

Monday, February 24, 2014

Latest Update

I'm a little behind but who gives a shit! Right?

We thought we would go up to Rancho Banderas but it was just after noon and they had stopped serving breakfast,lunch didn't start till 1pm and all they had available was the bar menu,so we drove up to Punta de Mita.

There we found a place to eat on the beach.

And we could still have breakfast

What a country!

The menu was a little different

Sometimes things just get lost in translation
(Fish Wallpaper)?

I know these picture suck but we only had the damn phone

Chris found himself a new dance partner

What a cutie

Her name is Afrika

But we call her Dora
You can probably guess why

Poker rolled around again.Peg got second at the 5pm table,I got third at the 8pm main table,Chris got second at the losers table,and Rod got second at the third table
At least that's the way I remember it cause it was a long time ago now,I think?

We also had another good-bye party

It started out at Gecko

The camera was working fine,then somehow some setting got changed and all hell broke loose so the following pics suck.
But we moved on over to Frascatti's for dinner

It was another good-bye to Annette(these are her parents)

Annette works on cruise ships but now they are going to park a cruise ship at Kitimat,BC to use as a camp since there is such a shortage of housing there.So off she goes

Not sure why anyone would take a picture of this miserable looking character?

This one of Annette looks much better.We will miss you!

We have had some quiet days by the pool also.This is our neighbour Mexico Edd having his usual nap

Peg just reading

Jenn and Chris on the phone drinking beer of course

Not sure what this look is all about but I think someone needs a hair cut.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day

Yup it's Valentine's Day here too

So a few of us went to Tres Palapas for dinner

It was a beautiful evening on the beach

lit balls and all

We paid a lot for what we got but these things always turn out that way

The final result is we had a good time and the company was great.

What a country!

Friday, February 14, 2014


So it was Thursday poker

We played the 5pm tourney with Chris making the best showing coming in second

Then it was off to Tacos on the Street for dinner

Then back for the 8pm Game

All four of us made the final table.Rod won and I came in second

Then a few of us had another game and Peg got second in that one

All in all a good showing for the family

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Brother and Sister

Yup! Brother and sister

Mean while I went to the pool cause it was a beautiful day todaaaaay.

Again this has nothing to do with us but you just have to watch this video

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Peggy's brother Rod arrived yesterday
He will be staying with us for a couple of weeks while he gets some dental work done.

We took him out to break him in to the lay of the land

this has nothing to do with jack shit but I like the story

A man was telling his buddy "You won't believe what happened last night.
My daughter walked into the living room and said, "Dad, cancel my allowance
immediately, forget my college tuition loan, rent my room out, throw all my
clothes out the window, take my TV and my laptop. Please take any of my
jewelry to the Salvation Army or Cash Converters.  Then, sell my car, take my
front door key away from me and throw me out of the house.  Then, disown me
and never talk to me again.  Don't forget to write me out of your will and
leave my share to any charity you choose."
"Holy Smokes," replied the friend, "she actually said that?"

"Well, she didn't put it quite like that.  She actually said, 'Dad, meet my
new boyfriend-- Mohammed.
We're going to work together on Hillary's election

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Out and About

We are starting to get back into the swing of things and Peg is showing her face around town again.

Linda arrived from Kelowna with her friend Elsie in tow.

Tim bought JC and Lalo hoodies which Linda brought down for them

We had a few at the Gecko

Later we ventured on out for dinner

Yesterday was poker night and Chris put away the win this time
Now all 3 of us have been in the winners circle and will get to play in the winners tournament

Friday, February 7, 2014


Peg is feeling better but still doesn't look so hot!

No shit Sherlock

We have been hiding out but last night they had poker at 5 and again at 8 so I ventured out
I won the 5 o'clock game but did not fare well at the 8 o'clock one

Peg stayed home and Bob's your uncle.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Poker and Trouble

Monday night is poker night and our best showing was me winning the 2nd losers table

Later on we gave the Bunny and the Fox a ride back to our place as they live just past us next door on the beach.They left and Peggy was sitting in one of those $5.00 white plastic chairs that the legs give out on.She went to get up and I guess the right front leg bent just enough for her to tumble on to the rocks shoulder and face first.What a mess!
Took her to the doc today and xrays revealed no broken bones.

She does have 2 black eyes,a skinned nose, a couple of chipped teeth,a black and bruised chin,a hole inside her mouth and a screwed up shoulder along with a bruised ego.

She will be fine in time. The Bones down here are quite liberal with the drugs.

You think that's bad you should see the stones she fell on.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday

Well that was the worst game in history.Totally sucked.I won't say any more

We had a few people over to watch the non game.

The food was good,the beer was cold and the game sucked the big one.

What the hell YOLO

Monday, February 3, 2014


The last day Mel got me up early again.Coffee was ready.OMG

We pretty much just packed up, said our good-byes and hit the road
WOW it was before 9:30 OMG It's the middle of the night.

We ditched Linda and Johnny.Just left em there.

Not really.They are travelling back to Arizona with Mel and Grace in their Motorhome.

They had left some stuff with us so we met them on the side of the road with their belongings.

Since it was lunch time we had lunch a a little place where we buy fresh home made bread.Lunch was terrific and we said our good-byes and sent them on their way.
We really had a great time.

Then it was home to check on the dogs.They were very happy to see us.Chris had been staying at our place looking after them and he did a great job.

We had to go to the vets to check on some dog food we had ordered so we stopped at the bar.

Had a couple with some friends but we were very tired and headed home.

This little hummingbird has a nest at the bar now.Silly bird

Home for a quiet night

No dog food