Rainmaker Rodeo

Rainmaker Rodeo

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Easter in Vegas


Saturday we did nothing but putts around the coach.
getting organized and trying to get stuff working.I'm absoulutely amazed at the things that were working fine 5 months ago,just don't work now.

First the coach would not start but 2 new batteries fixed that.

The fresh water tank leaked at the drain valve but after a day with a few opens and shuts it now is fine.

A tap in the main bathroom was leaking all over the counter but after a day it is ok.

All 3 air conditioners stopped working and would not come back on.Fortunately it was bed time and we went to sleep.The next morning one of them worked fine but the other 2 had tripped their breakers so after re-setting they have been working fine.

The dishwasher doesn't clean the dishes.No solution found yet

The washing machine won't let the water in.No solution found yet

The Generator won't stay running-who knows

The GPS is sending us the wrong way??????

Our US internet box wouldn't let us on the internet but once again that was fixed with the almighty $$
I guess you have to pay to play it's not free.

Other than that the weather is sunny and hot and man does the beer taste good and there are lots of them.

It's Easter Sunday.

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